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We Bought our First Home!

I may earn monetary or product compensation from companies mentioned in this post. All words and ideas are my own; thank you for supporting BFD and making it possible for me to provide you new and exciting content and workouts.

If you follow me on Instagram then you may already know this, but we are officially homeowners! This is the first home that we have ever purchased. Being in our early/mid 30’s, society may try to tell us that we are a little late in the game, or that we did life a little backwards. But to me our life is perfect – perfect for us!

Jon and I have been married a little over 8 years. When we got married Jon was unemployed and I got pregnant a few months later. I say this just to show how life started early and fast for us. After we got married we didn’t have a two income household. I worked part time at a brewery in southern CA where we lived at the time, and Jon (again was unemployed) won the TV show: Wipeout – BUT we were broke. I still remember for the first few months we were married we couldn’t afford a couch so we piled up blankets in our living room and binge watched The Office (ohh the good times). Jon was searching for a job, but wasn’t finding anything worth the pay to afford living in the San Diego area and also that wouldn’t put him stuck behind a desk or pushing paper (if you know him then you know this would be torture to him). Once we found out that I was pregnant, things got real and he started REALLY searching for a job.

But let’s back up and I’ll give you a quick back story to before we got married: Jon had finished his Masters program (MBA) and was living in Northern California, (where he grew up) working as the Director of Business Relations for an online start-up company with his dad. Then the owner ran out of money and had to lay Jon off. His dad was the General Manager of the company and got laid off shortly after that. Meanwhile Jon’s mom was the Athletic Director at his old high school (where she had worked for years) and she lost her job that same year!

After Jon had searched for months for a decent paying job in Southern California and was finding nothing, his dad called one day and asked if we would be interested in moving up north to start a restaurant with him.

Now another back story: Jon’s brother was dating (now married to) the original owner’s daughter of the Squeeze Burger (formally known and the Squeeze Inn) (as seen on the TV show Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives)

So my father in law asked if we would be willing to move to Northern California to help run a franchise of the Squeeze Burger. We agreed and it was the best decision ever! While leaving my parents in SoCal was really hard, the life that we then started, created the life that we have today!

Flash forward to today, my in laws still own and run the restaurant and since then have opened up an additional location. Jon works at a job he loves as a police officer in a local city. I have created my dream job by starting my own business doing something I am completely passionate about and my entire family: parents and brother (and his wife and kids) have moved to Northern California and we all live within 20 minutes of each other.

It hasn’t been all flowers and rainbows, we have had struggles and hardships along the way, but I wouldn’t trade any of it for anything!

Ten years ago I prayed for the life I have now!

I feel incredibly blessed to live the life I do and am grateful for every second of the journey.

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Hi, I’m Bethany!

I’m a mom of four who thrives on coffee and exercise. I am saved by Grace and happily married to my best friend, Jon. Here I hope you find community and inspiration for fitness and…life. I am happy you are here!


Check out my other lifestyle and fitness posts.




Hi, I’m Bethany!

I’m a mom of four who thrives on coffee and exercise. I am saved by Grace and happily married to my best friend, Jon. Here I hope you find community and inspiration for fitness and…life. I am happy you are here!

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