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mommy & me workout

If you are a mom with young kids, then you know how difficult it can be to get your daily workout in. Having a gym membership that includes a “Kids Club” can be great, but just as I am getting in the groove with my gym workout, how many of you can relate to me hearing that stomach dropping voice over the sound system: “Bethany Davis to the Kids Club”! I swear my kids save their poops just for the gym! Now that I have four children age six and under, there is almost always a good excuse or something that gets in the way of me loading them all up in the mini-van and actually making it to the gym. So, I really love to have no excuse workouts that can be done at home and even better, ones that involve the kids! Our newest little one, Nora LOVES to be snuggled. She loudly lets me know when she wants to be held – which is most of the day! Normally I try to get my workouts done during nap time, but often Nora wakes up just as I begin my workout.

Here is a quick and easy “mommy & me” workout that can be done anywhere, with no equipment.

15 push ups

25 squat thrusters

25 russian twist

40 glute raises

10 forward raises

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Complete 4 rounds of said reps for each exercise. Try to rest as little as possible between rounds.

**Remember to always check with your Dr. before starting a new fitness routine.



Hi, I’m Bethany!

I’m a mom of four who thrives on coffee and exercise. I am saved by Grace and happily married to my best friend, Jon. Here I hope you find community and inspiration for fitness and…life. I am happy you are here!

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Created by Sabrina Massa Designs​.

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