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7-day fitness challenge {only 5-minutes a day!}

I may earn monetary or product compensation from companies mentioned in this post. All words and ideas are my own; thank you for supporting BFD and making it possible for me to provide you new and exciting content and workouts.

Congratulations to those of you that have completed all 7 days of the challenge. I want to encourage you to continue to commit 5 minutes each day to some form of fitness! It doesn’t matter if you walk, run, lift weights, bike, swim or take yoga, it is important to make fitness and exercise a daily habit. It should just become something that you do, and hopefully that you enjoy!

To make it easy and help eliminate all possible excuses that may come up, I compiled all 7 of the 5-minute workout videos into this post so you can easily refer back to it.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Comment and let me know which workout is your favorite!

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Hi, I’m Bethany!

I’m a mom of four who thrives on coffee and exercise. I am saved by Grace and happily married to my best friend, Jon. Here I hope you find community and inspiration for fitness and…life. I am happy you are here!



Be sure to check out these posts for style and fitness inspiration!


Here in the California valley, we’ve been experiencing some pretty high temperatures – this August, it got as high as 112°F! How did my athletes manage to still hit the pavement in the heat? I have them follow these five easy guidelines to make sure they’re able to run safely and efficiently despite the warmth. 1) Plan Ahead…

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Hi, I’m Bethany!

I’m a mom of four who thrives on coffee and exercise. I am saved by Grace and happily married to my best friend, Jon. Here I hope you find community and inspiration for fitness and…life. I am happy you are here!

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Created by Sabrina Massa Designs​.

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